28 Jun

In England and Wales, MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) is a requirement for certain types of family law cases before they can proceed to court. 

MIAMs were introduced as part of the Family Mediation Council's efforts to promote mediation as a first step in resolving family disputes. 

The court does not mandate that parties must reach a settlement through mediation, but it does require them to attend a MIAM or another form of dispute resolution to explore the possibility of mediation before initiating court proceedings. 

The purpose of the MIAM is to provide parties with information about mediation, discuss whether it is suitable for their situation, and encourage them to consider mediation as an alternative to court.

Parties are required to attend a MIAM and during the meeting, a trained mediator provides information about the mediation process, assesses whether mediation is suitable for the case, and discusses alternative dispute resolution options.

While attending a MIAM is generally required, there are exceptions and circumstances where the court may waive the requirement or allow the case to proceed without a MIAM certificate. For example, if there are exceptional or urgent financial circumstances involved, the court may grant permission to proceed without attending a MIAM.

It's important to consult the latest legislation, court rules, and seek legal advice specific to your situation to ensure compliance with the current requirements for MIAMs in England and Wales. 

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